2024 City of Beaumont Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey
We are excited to announce the City of Beaumont is creating a Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The focus with this initiative is to create a comprehensive plan surrounding Beaumont’s parks and recreational programming and park development. The plan serves as a guide for how we improve, expand, repurpose, prioritize, maintain, staff, and fund our community’s park assets and recreational opportunities.
Your response is extremely important! We need to gain a better understanding of what this looks like for Beaumont, the community – you! With recognition and appreciation of the beauty of Beaumont’s diversity, it is vital to ensure our assessment includes a comprehensive cross-section of the Beaumont community.
We appreciate your participation in completing the survey. The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete, and responses will remain confidential. We have selected ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data and present the results to the city, which in turn will be shared with the community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at parks@beaumontca.gov.